D+D 3.5 is the Lingua Franca
There are many RPg systems available and D+D is not the best. It is a lot of fun, but I like several other systems, either because they are more realistic, more flexible, more cinematic, or more appropriate to a given setting.When I run games at a convention, I am determined now to only run D+D (and yes, now I have given up most every artifact of 3.0 for 3.5). My reasons are simple: most people know how to play. It is easier to tell a story when the rules are known and don't get in the way of what I am trying to do.
I think I could run other stuff with friends, but it's D+D for strangers.
hi~ just wake by, you have a nice site, will come back soon
hi~ i just wake by your site, nice site you have, keep the good work and i will back soon to see what new
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