Thursday, March 16, 2006

Dundracon 30 - a Memoir

Dundracon is the premier gaming convention in the Bay Area. Dundracon 30 was, perhaps, my most enjoyable experience.

I had money, which is unusual. This allowed me to buy a copy of Wallenstein, a game I have wanted for some time now. I also ate very well (veggie all the way!) and slept more than I used to. All good things!

There were many more scheduled Monday games this time. I think that Monday has become more a part of the full con weekend. I welcome this improvement.

I run a D+D game, "Plague comes to Port Tuyal," which was a lot of fun and very well received. I made a lot of gamer contacts. I shared a room with a friend and and his daughter. We've made a gamer out of Kelly! I had my own bed the entire con (almost a Persian Empire luxury compared to the old days of rotating who sleeps on the floor).

In short: YEAH!


At 6:50 PM, Blogger Mark said...

Glad you had a good time Zack. Some of my favorite con memories are of Dundracon - which does RPGs up like no other con. Alas, my schedule will never allow for it - so I'll have to get my con-vibes on at Kubla Con and Gen COn.

P.S. Glad to see a new post on the games blog!

At 3:44 PM, Blogger zditty said...

Thank Mark! I'm still thinking of going at least a day to Kubla!


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